History of Modern Science – Notes
Aristotle (322 BC):
- “So what happens must be this” in reference to drone bee’s (line 29, ABDB )
- “ credit must be given rather to observation than to theories”
Francis Bacon (1564-1626):
- “The idols and false notions which have already preoccupied human understanding, and are deeply rooted in it will thwart the establishment if the sciences, unless mankind, when forewarned; guard themselves with all possible care against them.”
- Idols of the Tribe:
- Your perception is not always right
- Idols of the Den
- Humans cater to their own interests
- When people are presented an idea they tend to except as fact rather than exploring the other possibilities. (L 90 ABDB)
- People believe what they want to believe (L 100 ABDB)
- Human Error is the largest source of impediment
- Personal fancies corrupt the sciences
- People generally notice either similarities or differences, usually not both
- “Aristotle corrupted natural philosophy by logic” (L 152 ABDB)
- Aristotle is wrong by going into experiments expecting a certain result
Rene Descartes (1596-1650):
- Rules for the Direction of the mind
- Inquire not with what people have taught but that you yourself can manifest through intuition or deduce with certainty
- Intuition: not wavering assurance of the sense but formed by unclouded mental attention
Robert Boyle (1627-1691):
- Air pump
- Thomas Hobbs rejects the idea of there being a vacuum
- Violent objections
Robert Hooke (1635-1703):
- Son of a church official
- Boyles assistant
- Follow of the royal society
- 1665 – Gretschen College
- Micrographia- put Hooke on the map
- Hooke- solar attraction paper
- Petrified wood analysis
- Form-Matter-Location
- Compare and Contrast
- 13/4 to 1 in weight then water
- incombustibleness
- Porous microscopic surface
- Comes to conclusion L77
- extraordinary Plastick virtue
Royal Society (1662):
- Motto: “Nullivs in verba” swear on the authority of no one else’s word
- Science in a vacuum
- Code literature
- Table of correspondences
Isaac Newton:
- Step son of a church official
- Left the university because of the plague
- Isolation, figured out majority of his theories
- 1668- reflecting telescope
- Known for designing the “Crucial Experiment” – Yes & No, obvious experiments
- Very directive and designed in his experiment
- Extending the Boundaries
Hooke vs. Newton:
- Photon argument is first of many arguments
- Letters between the two, “on the shoulders of giants”
- After talking to Hooke about the “inverse square” and gravitational force Hooke and Newton have discrepancy and then Newton goes into hiding then comes up with laws of motion
- Principia- inverse square law proving elliptical orbit
- 1696- master of the mint
- Publishes book on optics